about us and how to make a van conversions?

We saw all the wonderfull supercool campervans in instagramm too. The company next door to our german department is Hymer, perhaps the RV-Company with the most sophisticated and elaborate campervans in the World.

We know that some of our customers deserve the absolute best, because they are so fantastic.

We are not fantastic. We are starting this Business. But we are dedicated to this work despite all obstacles. We believe, if we just continue working, in the end everything will be allright.

Redis, Juli, Adela, Aleks, Jochen, Arber

One of our cars is perfect, a complete professional-built motorhome, the Euramobile (4 persons), it’s owner is a Master-car-Mechanic.
The Rest of our cars are self-built, we are normal car-mechanics, our cars are strong, reliable, safe. Some of them are empty and their equipment is laying around. Looks like a mess, but isn’t.

Many of our cars dont have clima. We open the window. During driving thatˋs cutting-edge-sustainable clima. During the night you can connect a moskito-net to the open window with magnets (in most areas there are no moskitos anyway).

Albania is not always fantastic, it can be difficult. Adventurous. Crazy. But so much is possible here. For you too. If you like Albanians, they will like you 10-times in return. Because they were isolated for many decades. They cherish contact with the outer world. If we like you, we will do so much for you. This feels good then. Real contacts. Real experiences. Real life. A totally foreign World, you can really meet this different World. Choose by yourself what you want to see in Albania, choose who you want to be in Albania. Your adventure should be only sweet, smooth and easy? No obstacles to overcome? Would this be an adventure? Can you be a handy and flexible person? If every little obstacles causes stress to you or your partner – better visit some other countries. If you expect that booking our campervans is the same like booking a 5-stars-hotel – then better go to a 5-stars-hotel.

Choose if you help to equip your car or if you just watch others work. Dont run away as quickly as possible. Understand how the car works, what you can Do with its Equipment. This will be better if you are on your own later.

Insurances & conditions

Car insurance

The basic car insurance covers all the damage caused to other people.

Premium Insurance

You can also take the premium insurance that covers all damaged of the both vehicules.
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100 km/day offered

The classic feature includes 100 km/day. You can extend this amount of kilometers whit the premium plan.

Book now vans from 50€/night !

The premium option allow you for 10€/day more to drive 200km/day !
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Assistance 24h/24h

We provide you all the help you need at every hour of the day, for assistance, help with the features of the vehicule etc.

You need to call us?

If you have any kind of problem call us at the nulmber that is available on or contatc page. You can also write us an e-mail.
Contact us

Book now vans from 90€/night !

You can book the vehicule and all the options on this website. Among those options you can choose to add climbing equipment, mountain bikes, kayaks and more features. You can pay by card or in cash once you are in Tirana or pay in advance in the website.

Book now vans from 90€/night !

You can choose among our different models and request a quote! You don't need credit card !
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Built your own campervan with us !
We invite you to a work-camp in Tirana, bring your materials and the most necessary tools, take our big tools too, ask  our experienced albanian car-workers for help or let them built your van.

And best of all: Enjoy the night-life of Tirana or take some days off and enjoy the beach ! 2 or 3 campervan-teams can built at the same time, some friends may team up and let their partners sweat at work alone.

And we invite you to built your or our campervans in Germany ! This is a serious job-offer ! If you have practical experience and some competence in repairing
cars or building campervans – write us ! Salary plus Appartement.

How do we build our vans: Camper conversions


Step 1: Dimensioning the needs

In this step, you need to list all the devices that you want to use in your van and find their power in Watts  (its often written in the back of the device ex: 50W) and also how long you want to use them every day. For instance in our van we want : 2 computers (140W for 2H), a fridge (45WH/day), 2 smartphones (10W for 3H), the lights (5W for 3H) and the water-pump (10W 1H). Then you just have to add POWER x HOURS and you have your daily consumations. For us: 280WH + 45WH + 30WH + 15WH = 370WH / day.

Step 2: Dimensioning the battery and the solar system

In our experience, if your needs are of 400WH aprox. per day then you will need at least 1 solar panel of 350W power. If you install a charger booster (charges the battery while driving) then you will be totally autonom. For the battery, you will need at least a capacity of 220 AH  for a 400 WH consumption/ day. The best are the lithiums ones because they support a total discharge without leasures, unfortunatly they are really expensive! That’s why we recommend you the lead-carbon one.

Then you will need an MPPT between the solars and the battery, and an inverter to convert 12V CC to 220V CA. We recommend you the brand Victron Energy, their devices are really resistent and well made.

Step 3: Install the system and dimension the wires

Now install everithing! Do it before the rest of the conversion because then you will not be able to access the wires, so if there is any leak you have to see it now. You will have to be carefull with the dimension of the wire, they have to be thick enough to prevent from burning. To calculate te diameter you will need to calculate the intensity I = Power/Tension. If your device is connected to the battery then the tension is 12V. If there is the inverter in between, then you are in 220v tension. You also need to mesure the lenght of the wire. Know you can report to this table and find the appropriate diameter.

2. Plumbing: water and gaz system

Step 1: Water system

First calculate your needs of water for 3-4 days. In general for 2 people it is 100 L water/3 days. You will need a 100L water tank, a pump, a pression regulator and some plastic pipes. You will need to connect your system to the water heater. Basically the water pipes divides in two. One enters into the water heater and then goes to the hot part of the shower or  the faucet while the other one goes to the cold part. 

Step 2: Gas system

You will need some big bottle of gas 13kg or 7 kg to assure a autonomy of several month. The gas will feed the heater, the water heater and the cooker. You need to fix all your pipes every 30 cm along their path. You will also need a pressure regulator of 30 mbar. Use a leak detector.

3. Insolation, wood cover and furnitures.

We use always ecologic insolation such as hamp. For a van you will need aprox 600€ of insolation and the installation is really simple. Fill all the holes to disable the thermal bridges. For the cover use something light as the fir wood. You also need to count 600€ for the wood cover. 

You can make all the furnitures or just by them and adapt them to your van. For the kitchen it is more easy to buy  IKEA furnitures but for the bed it is hard to find the good dimensions so build it by yourself.

Built you Camper Van in Germany

And we invite you to built your or our campervans in Germany ! This is a serious job-offer ! If you have practical experience and some competence in repairing cars or building campervans – write us ! Salary plus Appartement.

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